Tips for everyone who wants to enjoy the season carefree.
For a carefree season start on your BAVARIA yacht, it is worth drawing up a short list of spare parts before the start of the season. This list should include, along with order numbers, the descriptions and sizes of all filters and other consumables on board. During the season, this stock on board can be topped up again after a holiday without needing to wait in a harbour for a package.

Spring check
The first trip of the year is always special. It is a good idea to prepare for it with a small checklist so that you can enjoy your time on board to the fullest from the very first day.
The work starts already a few weeks before the crane booking or from when you receive the boat from the yard: is your motorboat and sailing clothing in good condition? What is the situation with the life jackets? Above all, the batteries for the personal locator beacons or radios in the life jackets should be checked before every water sport season. Life rafts can also be inspected.
✔ Personal equipment
✔ Nautical charts for the season
✔ Clothing suitable for water sports with UV protection

For sailing yachts, a careful visual inspection of the rigging forms an essential part of the preparation. Once the mast is erected on deck, repairs will be significantly more difficult: are all fittings correctly fastened? Are there signs of hairline cracks or wear? The more carefully you undertake this check, the more relaxed you will be when the wind gets up at sea. You can order all the spare parts for the rigging from INTERYACHTING. By the way, there should always be a few spare shackles and turnbuckle replacements on board.
✔ Visual inspection of fittings and mast
✔ Do all halyards run freely, are the lines coiled up?
✔ Damage to halyards?
✔ Fit antenna and dogvane
✔ Enough spare parts available?

Once all repair work has been undertaken, the engine is checked: impellers should be replaced once per season, diesel filters should also be renewed and, of course, the oil level, cooling water level and tension on the V‐belt must be correct. A look in the tank with a torch will show whether bacterial sludge has formed in the diesel during the winter. If slimy lumps are to be seen, the tank must be completely drained and cleaned. Even on the short journey from the crane to the mooring, bacterial contamination can cause engine failure. The first day on board then ends unnecessarily hectically with the loss of power somewhere in the harbour basin.
✔ Batteries charged?
✔ Oil level
✔ Replace filter and impeller
✔ Tank inspection
✔ Open cooling water sea cock
Ready for sea in an afternoon
On the way to the mooring, the engine has automatically had its first function check. A further look at the engine is now worthwhile.
✔ Are there drips anywhere?
✔ Are the filters still tight?
✔ Open all other sea cocks and check hoses
✔ Function check on WC and wash basin
Source: Bavaria Yachts